Saturday, March 12, 2016

Hello viewers

Hello viewers

The name of the owner of this site is Renee Pittman.

She is a TI and an author who wrote several books about TI related matters, including, and not limited to, Electronic Harassment, Mind Control, Gang Stalking etc,... 

She is fearless and does not hesitate to voice claims against the government. She is also humble enough to seek information from other TIs for her own TI related problems, without acting as if she knows everything simply because she has written books about TI related matters.

Please note that she is also very attentive to anyone who reaches out to her for help or for information.

Her activists efforts to expose, to inform and to help include a blogtalkradio called TI VOICE at:

I discovered it last week. After listening to some broadcasted shows, I was impressed by her interviewing skills but, most importantly, by the authenticity of her emotions, during the interviewing process, which indicated the authenticity of her claim as a TI.

I enjoyed her impulsive honesty as well as her readiness to dig in to any information that would be of help to TIs and/or protective towards their situation. She did not just take a passive stand nor give a platform to someone to pull his own agenda.. as some of them do. She went after the issues as a true TI would have done. 

Below, I am including the links to some broadcasted shows that I listened to.

This is her the link to her blog updates:

This is the link to her Google plus site:

This is the link to her Facebook site:


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